

On our way back to Dublin from Clonmacnoise we decided to visit the male exhibitionist figure at Ballycloughduff, a few kilometres north of Moate. Although Ireland has a large number of Sheela-na-Gigs, a type of female carving, there are very few male exhibitionist figures, unlike the rest of the continent where there is an abundance of such carvings. The figure at Ballycloughduff is unique and is known as a Sean-na-Gig. I is set into the gate post of a former mill. The figures right arm is holding a large downward pointing penis, his left arm is reaching across his chest and holding what may be a key. The figures feet are turned inward. The only other male exhibitionist figure I know about in ireland is the figure carved on a 15th century corbel table at Grey Abbey in County Down. The figure is viewed from behind, similar to a lot of the continental figures, and features the anus and a large scrotum but not the penis.

Situated: From Moate head north to Moyvoughly. After 5 kilometres turn left for Mount Temple. Then 2.5 k turn right. The gate post is 250 metres down here on your right at the sharp left bend in the road.

Discovery Map 48: N 1768 4320. Last visit Mar 2014.

Longitude: 7° 44' 2" W

Latitude: 53° 26' 19" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.the surrounding fields.

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